If you are an aspiring finance guru, or want to excel in a career in management accounting, the CMA qualification may be the answer for you.

If you are an aspiring finance guru, or want to excel in a career in management accounting, the CMA qualification may be the answer for you. Here are 5 reasons why:

Set the bar high!

As a future industry leader you are expected to not only read the trends of the market, but also to understand the reasons behind the valleys and the peaks on graphs. CMA equips you with the knowledge to analyse, aid in decision making, control processes together with laying a strong foundation of ethics. Employers actively seek professionals with these skill sets and there is no better benchmark than CMA for it.

Not your average Joe

IMA United Arab Emirates Salary Survey 2016 states that CMA holding professionals have 83% higher median salary than their non-certified counterparts. The reason for this is quite evident. CMA certified professionals work in more specialised areas such as budgeting, corporate finance and corporate accounting, making them eligible for higher compensation compared to non-CMA professionals in general accounting and management.

Hit the fast forward button

“A 22 year-old who is not certified would need to work 10 years more to get the same lifetime earnings as a CMA” (source: IMA Global Salary Survey). The rationale is simple. CMA professionals are equipped with skills that put them higher on the list of promotions and bonuses.

On your own terms

The CMA certification has only two exams that can be completed in as less as 6 months with flexible study options to suit personal and professional commitments. If you have already graduated from university or are a working professional, it is possible to adjust your lifestyle and fit in preparations for CMA without committing to it like a university degree.

Your guiding star

IMA’s complete selection of resources, study materials and support from your approved provider will make sure that you’re always ready and never feel lost on your CMA journey. Through its local chapters, IMA allows you to build a lasting network of professional relationships with opportunities to expand your skills and enhance your career.

Interested? If you would like to more about the CMA certification and Approved Course Provider programmes, contact us at academyme ~3#$A~ ae &D06s& pwc &D06s& comrel="nofollow" or visit our website.

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